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Grandchildren are teaching the Grandfathers

On 17th January took place at ENAIP FVG, Pasian di Prato, the first meeting of Project G&G (Grandparents and Grandchildren), where the "grandchildren" teach "grandfathers" the use of Internet and e-mail.

The grandchildren are students of vocational training courses at ENAIP FVG, which once a week, for four weeks, teaching the "grandfathers" how to use internet and e-mail, helping them to perform simple tasks like sending an e-mail or access to local services online.

G&G is an European project with the participation of ENAIP. The aim is improving the computer knowledge of the older people with the help of the younger, volunteer students.

At the first class was attended by eight "grandparents", each with their own specific needs: those who have learned to write with Word, who create their own e-mail, those who pay bills online.


In the page "Photogallery" you can find some pictures of the class.