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G&G Final Conference MATERIALS

The final conference of the eLearning project G&G was held on the 26th of June 2008 in Brussels by the premises of the European Parliament.


Click here to see the programme.


Click here to download the presentations made during the conference:


Introductory speech: Mr. Tommaso Grimaldi presentation (204 kb .pdf)                          

G&G Project Presentation: Mr. Gilberto Collinassi presentation (259 kb .pdf)

Digital literacy: socio-cultural issues and opportunities - Mr. Roberto Dadda presentation (2.721 kb .pdf)

Intergenerational learning: economical issues and opportunities - Mr. Patrick Crasson presentation (1.375 kb .pdf)

ICT supporting lifelong learning: the European perspective - Mrs. Elena Coello presentation (286 kb .pdf)


Location: Brussels
Begin: 26/06/2008
End: 26/06/2008