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G&G Update in Galgauska Primary school

In the middle of March grandparents in Galgauska Primary school gathered for „G&G Update” teaching labs, which were held as a part of school’s E-skills week. Thirteen seniors and thirteen grandchildren participated in the project and were consulted by G&G trainers Aiga Vagule and her colleague Elita Birže.
Before starting work in pairs, trainers welcomed participants with musical performance and „ice-breaking” activities in order to get acquainted and create a friendly atmosphere. Later on participants were introduced with their work space and developed individual work plans according to their wishes and level of ICT knowledge.
Each pair worked individually, focusing on each grandparent’s skills and working speed. In the second lab, when grandparents worked individually, some of them already surfed in the internet and created accounts in social networks. The third lab turned out particularly pleasant as grandparents were introduced with “Skype” and practiced ‘skyping’ with their “teachers”. After the third lab grandparents exchanged their impressions on previous labs and as the main benefit found promotion of communication and dialogue between generations. After the third lab G&G trainers organized a song contest where participants had to find lyrics and sing aloud songs about flowers.
The final lab was created as an ‘exam’ and grandparents had a chance to revise everything they had learned in previous three days. Grandparents were very satisfied with their new skills and thanked their “teachers” with sweet and delicious surprises. Singing songs and dancing together was a part of celebration for having experienced close intergenerational bonding.








Location: Galgauska - Latvia
Begin: 15/03/2013
End: 15/03/2013