You can choose the criteria(1), by selecting among the options provided by Gmail. For example, if you choose to label the incoming messages sent by a specific person write his/her e-mail address (or part of it) in the filed "From:". Or, if you choose to label all the messages you sent to a friend, write his/her address in the field "To:". You decide which elements the filter has to take into account.
Now click on “Next step”. (2)
In this window you can decide what Gmail has to do when it finds a message that corresponds to the filter criteria you just set. You can choose to apply a previously created label by selecting from the drop-down menu. (1)
Once the actions associated to a filter are selected you can click on “Create filter” (2) to make it operational immediately. If you have already received messages that can be sorted like this you can apply the filter straight away.
From now on, all the messages corresponding to the filter search criteria will automatically be sorted by Gmail, which will continue to carry out organising and sorting tasks.
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