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 Create a Skype account


Without Skype account it is not possible to call someone via Skype. So it is necessary to create an account first.


Open the website http://www.skype.com/intl/en/home and click on “Join Skype”.

On this site please fill in your first name, last name and twice your email address.
Under profile information you only need to fill in the country: a selection of countries is offered if you click on the arrowhead. Choose your country by clicking on its name of the selection list. You may also fill in the other information, but it is not necessary.
Please scroll down. The next field which is required to be filled in is the Skype name. It is comparable to a telephone number. If you later give this Skype name to someone he/she may call you with it.
So choose your personal Skype name. There are hints how to use it if you click on the question mark behind the input box.

Also choose a password and repeat it. Please remember your Skype name and your password well.


Then type in the text in the box – called “captcha”, a kind of unique access control code – in the field below and finally click on “I agree – continue”. By this click you confirm that you accept the terms of use and the privacy statement of Skype. If you want to read them click on the links over the “I agree”-button.


If someone else already uses the Skype name which you have chosen you will receive a message. In this case please repeat the creation of the account with another Skype name.






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