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List of the web pages containing news or link related to G&G:


13-06-2013 [lv] List of the web pages containing news or link related to G&G: This is a link to largest news platform in Latvia

26-02-2013 [lv] Berzaune primary school webpage

26-02-2013 [lv] Summary on G&G workshops in Berzaune primary school – local newspaper „STARS” online version

17-01-2012 [it] Articolo sul quotidiano locale " Il Gazzettino"

10-06-2010 [en] G&G project awarded as best LLP 2010 ICT for digital inclusion, link to ePractice news

05/06/2010 [it] articolo su sito agenzia italiana LLL

15-07-2009 [sl] new G&G project in Slovenja, link to the on-line course of LUJ

01-06-2008 [en] info about G&G final conference on EVTA elearning news

27-04-2008 [fi] radio interview to Anni Karttunen

17-04-2008 [en, fr] EVTA april 2008 newsletter

15-03-2008 [en, fr] eLearning catalog of the European Vocational Training Association

01-03-2008 [fi] Nettijumppa - Seniorlinkit

20-02-2008 [en] LiLL eLearning in Later Life projects database (search for "granp")

19-02-2008 [gr] Apopsi website project description 

17-02-2008 [ee] Youth work portal "AKEN"

05-02-2008 [it]  Enaip National Office (news and link to the website)

25-01-2008 [ee] Tallinn University newsletter

21-01-2008 [ee] Koolielu article about G&G

21-01-2008 [ee] Seniors’ magazine "Elukiri"

17-01-2008 [es] Hansapank (Consensus meeting in tallin)

17-01-2008 [et] TLU (project overview and link)

12-11-2007 [en] EAGLE project G&G case study

17-10-2007 [it]  www.scienter.it (page and link about G&G project)

01-10-2007 [es] scienter espana (project sheet and link)

22-09-2007 [it]  E-LARA e -Learning, Alphabetization of Rural Areas

29-08-2007 [en] elearningeuropa.info (page about the G&G project)

01-12-2007 [gr] OAED website menu

09-05-2007 [it]  ENAIP FVG website project sheet

30-03-2007 [en] EVTA project sheet

30-03-2007 [fr]  EVTA project sheet

20-03-2007 [sk] SIOV website project sheet

20-03-2007 [pl]  TNOIK website project sheet

01-03-2007 [en] EACEA eLearning&Minerva project compendium

09-11-2007 [si]  LUJ website project sheet